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Custom Decorative Painting


"Decorative art that sets your house apart"
*Trompe L'Oeil (French for "fool the eye")
*Faux Finishes 
*Glazes, Color washes
*Marbling, Woodgrain, Stone 
*Metallic Plasters, Lusterstone
*Venetian and Textural Finishes
*Gold Leafing 
*Cabinetry, Furniture Finishes
*Color matching, Restorations
*Custom Artwork, House Portraits

From Manhattan to Montauk Rita Broughton can customize and recreate your walls, ceilings, furniture and floors with distinctive decorative finishes. Or submit a special request and have a mural created on canvas and shipped anywhere in the USA.


Send in your requests and inquire below for details:

One hour in-house consultations for $125.00 are available.  There is a fee for cancellations, so 24-hour notice is required.

Thanks! Message sent.

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